Prof. Yongsheng Ma

Prof. Yongsheng Ma
University of Alberta, Canada
Dr. Yongsheng Ma joined the faculty of engineering, University of Alberta in 2007, and has been a full professor since 2013. Dr. Ma is a member of ASEE, SME, SPE and an Alberta registered Professional Engineer. He teaches Capstone Design Projects, Engineering Informatics, Engineering Economics and Manufacturing Processes. His main research areas include e-Manufacturing, feature-based design and manufacturing modeling, CADCAM, ERP process modeling and product lifecycle management. Dr. Ma received his B.Eng. from Tsinghua University, Beijing (1986), both M.Sc. (1990) and Ph.D. (1994) from UMIST, UK. In 2000-2007, he was a faculty with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Dr. Ma publishes actively in top international journals and conferences, especially in the field of Semantic Modeling for Product and Process Engineering. Dr. Ma had been an associate editor of IEEE Transaction of Automation Science and Engineering (2009-2013). Since 2012, he has served as an editor of Advanced Engineering Informatics. Due to his fruitful collaboration with a Canadian manufacturer, in 2012, he won the prestigious ASTech award sponsored by Alberta Science and Technology Leadership Foundation. Dr. Ma started his career as a polytechnic lecturer in Singapore (1993); and then a senior research fellow and group manager (1996-2000) at Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology. Dr. Ma also served in department selection committee (2012), faculty nominating (2009-2011) and evaluation committees (2011). Dr. Ma had been a member of General Faculty Council (GFC) and a university senator from July, 2013 to July, 2016.